Help Towards The Cost Of Double Glazing In 2015
You don’t know unless you ask so why not check up to see if you are eligible for help towards the cost of double glazing, help with your energy bills or to help create a more energy efficient home.
The grants available are dependent on your answers to the following questions. These relate to your circumstances, the energy efficient measures you’ve already taken and the approximate age of your home.
You’ll first need to decide what help you are looking for. Be it help towards the cost of heating, financial help to undertake energy efficiency measures (including double glazing). It could also be help towards the specific costs of double or secondary glazing, a new boiler, insulation etc. Or a combination of some or all of these.
You’ll then need to provide some basin information about you and your home including any benefits you may receive. Confirm whether you own the property in question. If you are renting the grants may still apply – but you’ll need the landlords permission.
If you are looking at help towards the cost of energy efficient measures or specific improvements and own the property you’ll need to provide information about your property, it’s age and what measures you already have installed – eligibility for Green Deal support towards the cost of double glazing, secondary glazing (in the case of listed property) and other measures will depend on these answers.
If you are looking for additional help towards fuel costs then you’ll also need to provide some basic personal information too.
How To Apply
The questionnaire can be accessed via the official Government website It will only take you a few minutes to complete and from this you’ll be able to tell at a glance, if you’re likely to be eligible for help towards the cost of double glazing.
Currently, as of May 2015, you may still be able to access government money for making home energy efficiency improvements. There’s a maximum of £1,250 towards the cost of installing two qualifying measures which include (amongst others):
- double or triple glazing as a replacement for single glazing
- secondary glazing
- energy efficient replacement external doors
If you’ve just bought your home you could get an additional £500 if you apply within 12 months.
On top of this you will also be able to claim back a maximum of £100 towards the cost of the initial Green Deal Assessment which has to be carried out prior to application for the grants.
Don’t forget
These Green Deal Home Improvement Fund grants may change or be withdrawn at any time so don’t miss out on your entitlement. Just follow the 6 simple steps:
- Arrange a Green Deal Assessment of your home.
- Get a quote from a registered Green Deal Installer.
- Apply for your home improvement grant voucher before starting the work.
- Complete the works.
- Get your Green Deal Installer to validate the voucher.
- Follow the instructions on the voucher to make the claim.

Don’t worry if it sounds complicated – it really isn’t but the thing to remember is that is all starts with a home assessment from a Green Deal provider / installer … they will guide you through the process and make it as smooth as possible.
All good things come to an end and this latest release of Green Deal Home Improvements Fund will close on 30th September 2015 or before if funds run out.
It’s also been confirmed that there will be no further releases of GDHIF meaning that these grants are now ending permanently.
Watch this space for news of any new initiatives as they’re announced. Bu, for now, it no longer represents any further help towards the cost of double glazing.