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Grants For New Windows

Double Glazing Grants UK

Double glazing grants in the UK – access the government cash, cut the cost of new .windows, improve energy efficiency, reduce heating costs and save money in 2024

If you’re thinking about new windows you’ll already know it’s going to cost you! Look on it as an investment though. Don’t simply go for the cheapest option but shop around. Investigate the different choices, the benefits and improvements they will deliver and go for what represents the best value for money.

The importance of energy efficiency, the high cost of energy bills and the drive to net zero by 2050 means that, in spite the occasional u turn, the Government remain committed to financially support domestic energy efficiency measures and improvements. And, with a general election on the horizon, policy around this is likely to become a key part of manifesto for Government and opposition parties alike.

There’s all sorts of financial support available across all countries of the UK but unfortunately grants specifically for double glazing are not readily available as a stand-alone measure. That said you should check things out as there MAY be some financial support available.

We have a page dedicated to explaining exactly what energy efficiency and grants are available in 2025 and what lies ahead for double glazing grants post the 2024 election: Double Glazing Grants 2025 >

Double Glazing Made Simple

Quite simply, double glazing is a method of making a window with two layers of glass and a space between each layer. There is absolutely no doubt as to the benefit which is why these days over 80% of UK homes already have it installed. Here are just some of the benefits of good quality, properly installed, double glazing:

  • Reduces Your Costs On Energy. Estimates from the Energy Saving Trust indicate that you can save as much as £12 a month if you install double glazed windows. That’s about £145 per year for the average detached home.
  • Leads To A Reduction In Noise. Noise travels through solid particles such as air, solids and liquids. Your window insulates you against outside noise by providing a space between layers of glass that noise cannot travel through. This means that your home will be quiet and peaceful.
  • Retains Heat. Heat travels through the same particles as noise. This means that double glazing your windows prevents heat from moving out of your home – especially important during winter. Likewise, double glazed windows prevent heat from moving into your home during the summer months.
  • Increases Your Home Security. Security is critical in any home and good quality windows provide an additional security barrier to any would be intruder. This makes your home that little bit safer.
  • Reduces Your Carbon Footprint. Lower energy consumption can only be good for the environment!

Forms of Double Glazing

forms of double glazingThere are various different types in terms of the materials used. The most common forms are as follows:

uPVC i.e. Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride Frames. These frames are very durable as well as recyclable. They also require very little in the way of regular maintenance.

Wooden Frames. Whilst these may require a bit of maintenance and regular painting they are environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Steel Or Aluminium Frames. Frames that are built to last – durable, slim and recyclable!

Composite Frames. Two materials make up these frames i.e. plastic and timber or aluminium and timber. The use of timber means that these frames require a bit of maintenance but ultimately, the plastic or aluminium will reduce the need for extensive maintenance.

Possible Restrictions

Historic homes, homes in conservation areas and listed buildings are subject to a number of restrictions. This often includes what the property owners can do with their windows. You should choose from a number of available options that include shutters, heavy lined curtains, sealed blinds or secondary glazing.

It is important for you to note that the suitability of these options depend entirely on any restrictions the local council has placed on your building or home.

How to Cut Costs on Double Glazing

As mentioned earlier, replacing windows and doors is costly and there are a couple of alternatives to consider which will help if you can’t replace things straight away:

  1. Secondary Glazing. You can fit a secondary layer of glass and frame inside the window reveal that already exists. Secondary glazing may not seal your windows perfectly but it is cheap and it will prevent some heat loss.
  2. Hollow Blinds, Sealed Shutters And Heavy Curtains. The main objective of double-glazing is to reduce heat loss and lower energy costs. As an alternative, heavy curtains can help towards this objective by reducing draughts and preventing unintended air flow into / out of the room. Sealed shutters and hollow blinds will also achieve the same objective.

Of course the other way to cut the costs is to access any double glazing grants which may be available to you!

UK Double Glazing Grants 2025

double glazing grants

The current UK Government remains committed to the net zero target by 2050. In order to achieve this, a huge proportion of the UK housing stock needs to be improved and made significantly more energy efficient. In fact they’ve specifically identified some 19 million homes that would benefit.

At the same time the recent energy crisis amplified the need for less reliance on fossil fuels and the importance of greener energy.

So, this means existing houses need to be thermally upgraded (to varying degrees) in order to reduce heat loss and, at the same time, start to move away from gas and solid fuel heating to efficient electric systems with additional domestic power generation too.

Homes are being addressed on a “fabric first” basis as adding insulation to the walls, floors and roof space is the best way to minimise heat loss. At the same time heating systems are being upgraded and solar PV fitted.

But what about windows and double glazing?

The Forgotten Energy Efficiency Measure

UK double glazing grants

Advances in materials and manufacturing process means that double glazing today is far more efficient than a few years ago. Replacing old units with new can add benefit … but not to the same extent as adding insulation.

For this reason, the Government has largely ignored double glazing as a grant supported stand-alone measure. That said, certain options do still exist if you’re upgrading from single glazing (which will have a biggest and recognised impact) or as a “whole house” package of energy efficiency improvements.

At this stage most grant funding is targeted towards the more vulnerable households living in the most energy efficient homes and local authority social housing stock. This is simply because this will deliver the greatest and most important impact at scale. But at some stage, if targets are to be met, the criteria is going to have to be opened up and private homeowners are going to need to be encouraged to put their hand in their pockets and make those energy efficiency improvements to their homes.

What does this mean in 2025?

The industry recognises this and are frustrated by the fact that financial support is not high on the list of treasury priorities and are lobbying hard to have the benefits of replacing old windows recognised and supported with double glazing grants. Watch this space!

All this means that grants for replacement windows are not going to be readily available right now but there is some hope for the future. Don’t let this deter you from upgrading your windows though – the efficiency improvements will save you money and offset some of the cost and we’re expecting that the windows industry itself will come up with the offers and incentives to do this. The Government too could come up with low cost finance and voucher schem initiatives and incentives – we await announcements on this. So, 2025 could be a good year to invest in new windows – grants or no grant!

Double Glazing Grants 2025

There’s more grant funding towards the cost of energy efficiency home improvements than ever before (especially if you are looking at a heat pump!) – different schemes for different areas on the UK aimed at different groups and to support different measures. We’ve published a handy guide explaining exactly what is available and who qualifies. There’s no specific double glazing grants at this stage but Government cash may be available in certain areas when incorporated within a wider energy efficiency improvement package if certain criteria is met.

The new Government have pledged to DOUBLE existing investment in energy efficiency, to upgrade 19 million existing homes and to make this a top priority but we’re going to have to wait and see just what form this all takes and if there will be specific double glazing grants or not.

You can find our more here: Double Glazing Grants 2025.

For more information on a wider range of energy efficiency grants visit:

What To Expect From The Government

The first update on the Warm Homes Plan and the various energy efficiency grants schemes associated with it came at eth end of November 2024. This update announced greater funding for heat pumps and initiatives making it easier to install one. But this is just the start of things. As we get into 2025 we can expect further announcements of other funding streams to give us all the funding and incentives to make our homes more energy efficient.

Will the mean double glazing grants? Probably not but it could mean access to low cost finance and even a voucher scheme and these could include double glazing as a measure.

Lots of “could” and “may” because we just don’t know yet but the talk is positive and we hope to provide more of an update soon.

What To Expect From The Windows Industry

double glazing grants 2024 uk Interest rates have stabilised and likely to start to fall and inflation is coming under control. This means the cost of borrowing will likely come down a little. The double glazing market has been tough of late and this has resulted in a number of high profile casualties (Safestyle for example). New build housing has slowed as a result of higher interest rates too. So labour is available and window manufacturers and installers are actively looking for work … and this can only be good from a consumer point of view.

We’re expecting to see a response from the double glazing industry. This could take the form of low cost credit, discounts, windows scrappage schemes and generally lower prices. If the Government aren’t to provide the funding support the industry needs to come up with it’s own initiatives to get the market going again!

Our advice – shop around. You may just find an incredible deal even without double glazing grant support!

Useful Links

Energy Efficiency Matters: 

The Energy Saving Trust:

Simple Energy Advice: 


UK Government:

Home Energy Scotland:

Gov Wales: