Double Glazing Grants 2016
With the recent withdrawal of the Green Deal and Home Improvement Fund just what’s left in the way of double glazing grants 2016 and what does the future hold?
Back in July 2015 the Government that it was to withdraw further funding for Green Deal cashback and loans. Including the Green deal Home Improvement fund. This provided financial support for the installation of double glazing, provided that certain criteria was met. The reason given for pulling the plug on the £540 million scheme that was funded by the taxpayer was low take up and poor standards of workmanship.
To say this was a blow to the energy efficiency market is an understatement. Many companies having invested heavily to ensure they were eligible to carry out Green Deal works or assessments. Some companies have even gone out of business as an indirect result.
For the homeowner it means no Government funded financial incentives for carrying out energy savings improvements. Or any help towards the cost of double glazing.
So … what of the future? Well, although a replacement scheme is being put together in order to meet Conservative Government 2020 home efficiency targets whilst representing the best value for taxpayer money, the Government is yet to announce any form of replacement for the Green Deal so, for the foreseeable future, options for double glazing grants 2016 have reduced significantly but … watch this space!
Let’s look at what options are left for double glazing grants in 2016.
Energy Company Obligation (ECO):
The energy suppliers are obliged by the Government to fund energy saving home improvement works amongst the poorest households in the UK. Under ECO, the larger energy suppliers are required to help these householders save on their energy bills and carbon emissions. The new obligation period, known as ECO2, was launched on 1 April 2015. It will run until 31 March 2017. However, grants for replacement double glazing are not included within the scheme. This is much to the Glass & Glazing Federations disappointment! They are currently “demanding answers as to why glazing is not part of the ECO2 plans” Read the full article >>>
For more details about ECO2 please visit the Ofgem website:
Local Authority Double Glazing Grants:
This represents your best chance of double glazing grants 2016. Many authorities can help but you’ll have to ask and you’ll also have a very stringent criteria to fulfil but it may be worth contacting your own authority to see what they do have available.
Double Glazing Manufacturers:
With Government funding a thing of the past right now the double glazing companies are having to be much more competitive to keep the market moving so, in a way, it could be a great time to buy and, with a little negotiation, there are some great deals to be had from what is a “buyers market” right now. An added benefit is that fact that interest rates are really low right now so the finance packages could also prove cost effective against the energy you could save. So, why not make the call and see what you can get … you may be pleasantly surprised!

Double Glazing Grants 2016 – The Outlook
When it comes to double glazing grants 2016 the outlook is not great. But who knows exactly what is round the corner. The Government have promised some form of new “replacement” scheme for Green Deal but exactly what it will be or when it will be announced is anyone’s guess. As to what measures it will include, well, we can only hope it includes grants towards the cost of double glazing in 2016.