Double Glazing Grants 2022 UK
Double glazing grants 2022. There’s a huge focus on energy efficiency in UK homes right now. A well publicised UK Government net zero strategy. A drive towards carbon neutral by 2050. And stretch targets aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 68% by 2030.
On top of that we’re in a fuel crisis that’s resulting in energy costs spiralling out of control to the point when many households now find themselves in fuel poverty and having to choose between fuel and food. That means a drive for the installation of energy efficiency measures. Both in new build houses and through the retrofit of existing properties.
The Government are providing financial support in certain cases and we’re likely to see new grant schemes evolve over the coming months. But what does this mean for double glazing grants in 2022 and onwards though?
Certainly, double glazing has its part to play in cutting energy costs. Quite frankly though, it seems nowhere near the top of the favourite measures list! And it certainly doesn’t appear to be judged worthy of a straight forward, stand alone double glazing grant! However, it can, in certain cases, form a part of a package of measures included within an overall grant funded program of energy efficiency measures. Particularly if you’re upgrading from single glazing.
To be honest though it’s not looking great for UK double glazing grants in 2022! That said, there are a few options so read on …
The Fuel Crisis, Political Changes & Double Glazing Grants 2022
No one could have predicyed the current fuel crisis at the beginning of the year yet here we are in the heart of the storm with massively increased costs in home heating and energy with little improvement on the horizon. Sucjh a situation has not been helped by the political uncertainty and teh election of a new Prime Minister. At least we have an energy cap now along with a little in the way of financial support towards the cost of home heating but this winter is going to be particularly challenging for a vast proportion of us in the UK.
That’s why it’s important to act now to try to reduce energy costs and one sure fire way to reduce energy consumption is to replace any single glazed windows with double glazing.
The Government has actually set up a new calculator which enables you to input the details of your home and throw out recomendations of emergy efficiency measures you should consider along with eth approximate cost of each measure and the estimated annual saving you could make. Double glazing is obviously included within the measures calculated – Find ways to save energy in your home >.
Double glazing grants may then be available and the best place to start is to contact your local authority who MAY have grants towards the cost of double glazing available. You can read a good feature called How to apply for a £10,000 energy efficiency grant to improve your home.
Double Glazing As An Energy Efficiency Measure In 2022
Let’s face it, when it comes to new build residential properties highly efficient double glazing is pretty much always included within the build spec so there’s no need for or reason why the government should throw money in that direction. The big gains can be achieved through retrofit, refurbishment and by providing financial incentives to encourages property managers and owners to upgrade existing properties.
In 2022 the focus of this has switched more towards a “whole house approach”. This means it’s the norm for each property to be energy efficiency assessed on its own merit as a complete building. The result being that a complete package of energy efficiency measures can be specified to give the best impact across all aspects of the whole building. Typically this will include an assessment of the building fabric, insulation, heating and micro generation.
Double glazing will be included as will external doors (usually under the insulation category) but the main focus will be on the measures which will deliver the greatest impact … insulation, heat pumps, solar panels etc.
Double Glazing Grants UK 2022 – An Industry Left Out In The Cold!
With such a high level of focus on home improvements through the installation of energy efficiency measures and more and more money being pumped into the retrofit market why are double glazing grants so hard to access in 2022?
The simple answer is that if you have single glazing and you’re looking to upgrade to double that’s going to make a massive positive impact. The Government will encourage you to make these improvements so you’re more likely to find grant funding for this. However, the vast majority of homes now already have double glazing. So, any upgrade to new windows is not seen as making a major impact to energy efficiency. The focus therefore is on adding insulation, heat pumps and other measures which will deliver maximum impact.
This is where the glazing industry needs to step in – and it’s doing just that! Double glazing is no different to any other product – it’s evolved and developed significantly over the years. Modern systems are so much more efficient than older units. If the industry can prove that upgrading to a modern system is going to save a significant amount of energy then acees to grant funding will surely be opened up. Similar to the boiler scheme … we all know that upgrading to a modern boiler is going to save energy and money … the double glazing industry needs to convince the powers that be that upgrading windows and doors is going to have the same impact.
Double Glazing Grants UK 2022 – Overview (Excluding Northern Ireland)
So, just what double glazing grants are available in 2022?
There are a number of initiatives which may include grants for windows and doors from the government in 2022. Some of which are run by central government and cover the whole of the UK. Others are country specific initiatives operated by individual administrations.
Whilst there’s nothing specifically designed as a stand alone double glazing grant, funding for replacement windows are included within certain schemes. We’ve covered these schemes below:
Green Homes Grant
The ill-fated Green Homes Grant is now officially dead! Homeowners whoreceived a voucher had until the end of March 2022 to get their upgrades completed. No further applications can now be made. You can read about the scheme but, as I said, it’s over now. It represents no further opportunity for double glazing grants.
Energy Company Obligation (ECO)
The long standing Energy Company Obligation (known as ECO) is a GB wide grant scheme that aims to support households in receipt of certain benefits. It’s administered through the largest energy companies who are obliged to install energy efficiency measures in the homes of those who need them most but who maybe can’t afford it. All suppliers then pass on the costs to their customers through a levy on energy bills, particularly electricity bills. The target is to reduce carbon emissions and help the UK meet carbon reduction targets.
ECO first started back in 2013. So far it’s estimated that 3.1 million measures have been installed in over 2.3 million homes. The good news is that it’s been extended further. From 2022 to 2026 – and likely beyond that too. As this is the forth review the new 2022 grant scheme is called ECO4. It was scheduled to come into effect from 1st April 2022 but a delay means that it’s hitting the market in the second half of 2022.
Up to now the ECO scheme has prioritised the “low hanging fruits” by picking off the low cost measures like cavity and loft insulation. But now that so many of these measures are already installed it’s the harder to treat properties which are now forming the majority.
As we update this in July 2022, the final ECO4 framework is, at last, pretty much finalised. It’s completing it’s final journet through the official legislative channels prior to start. We’re virtually over the line now … legislation is now laid in Parliament and Ofgem draft guidelines for ECO4 have been published.
Eligibility criteria has changed slightly. As, we know, ECO grant funding is aimed at households in receipt of certain benefits. A number of benefits previously accepted under ECO3 will no longer be eligible under ECO4. The new list of eligible benefits are as follows:
Income based Jobseeker allowance,
- The Income related Employment & Support Allowance,
- Income Support,
- Pension Credit Guarantee Credit,
- Working Tax Credit,
- Universal Credit,
- Housing Benefit,
- Pension Credit Savings Credit.
Double Glazing Grants 2022 Under ECO4
Energy efficiency measures included within the ECO scheme are very diverse and wide ranging. They all however have to fit into one of the three categories mentioned earlier: Insulation, Heating and Microgeneration.
Window glazing along with high performance external doors are included within the insulation category. But it should be noted that any improvements made under ECO need to be tackled on a “whole house” approach under the adopted PAS2035 framework. Nevertheless, if you fit the criteria then it’s a grant you don’t want to miss out on. AND it can include double glazing.
Double Glazing Grants From Government 2022 UK – Where To Start
Check out the specific availability for double glazing grants for windows and doors from government 2022 on a UK and country by country basis or visit the following websites:
Double Glazing Grants 2022 England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
In the tabs below we’ve detailed the different grants available by the individual countries of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, Simpy click on each tab to read on:
Double Glazing Grants 2022 – England
As we move into 2022 the energy efficiency improvements specific focus in England is very much geared towards the upgrade of social housing stock – both local authority and housing association owned. There are a number of programs:
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme provides grants for public sector bodies to fund heat decarbonisation and energy efficiency measures. There are 3 phases so far:
Phase 1 provided £1 billion in grants and formed the major part of the Government’s ‘Plan for Jobs 2020’ which was a commitment to the UK’s post Covid economic recovery by supporting jobs in the carbon reduction and energy efficiency sectors.
Phase 2 provides an additional £75 million of grant funding for the financial year 2021/2022. It targets greater carbon emission reductions by taking a ‘whole building’ approach and decarbonising entire social housing estates.
Phase 3 will see a further £1,425 billion of funding over the period 2022/2023 to 2024/2025. The full details are yet to be published.
Both double glazing and secondary glazing are included within the category Insulation – building fabric of included measures but the grant funding is only available to public sector owned housing. But we stress, these double glazing grants are available to social landlords only.
Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Scheme
The LAD Scheme provides £500m of targeted energy efficiency upgrades to those living on low income and in low energy efficiency homes. Aiming to improve energy efficiency in homes with a low EPC of E,F or G the Local Authorities control the scheme thus enabling them to support low-income, fuel-poor households in their local area.
Whilst this can cover double glazing grants the scheme ends in March 2022 and applications have already closed.
Home Upgrade Grant
The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) was something that was pledged in the Conservative Party 2019 manifesto. It is funded by the government’s Local Authority Delivery scheme as detailed above. The purpose is to support energy efficiency retrofit measures for low-income households living in highly inefficient homes.
The grant covers loft, cavity and room-in-roof insulation along with draft proofing but does not cover double glazing grants.
Double Glazing Grants England 2022 – Where To Start
When it comes to double glazing grants in England 2022, apart from the specific options listed above ECO funding is also available.
As a starting point we suggest the following links:
Double Glazing Grants 2022 – Scotland
The Scottish Government has a number of initiatives
Warmer Homes Scotland
Warmer Homes Scotland is the main umbrella scheme which is funded by the Scottish Government. It’s designed to help vulnerable people and is managed through Warmworks Scotland:
The scheme helps people in need to make their homes warmer and cost less to heat. It does this by changing your home to use energy more efficiently.
It lists 5 categories of measures designed to make homes warmer and more efficient to heat:
- Wall insulation
- Loft insulation
- Draught-proofing
- Boilers and heating
- Renewable and micro-renewable heating system
Double glazing grants Scotland may be available under the scheme, depending on a survey which will be first carried out, but you’ll need to be a home owner or a private tenant and an eligibility criteria needs to be met.
HEEPS Scotland
Within the overall Warmer Homes Scheme sits HEEPS – the Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland. This is a true grant scheme as it can mean free installation of a range of energy saving measures for vulnerable homeowners and private sector tenants, who struggle to heat their home … as long as they meet the qualifying criteria.
HEEPS is an area-based scheme. It’s designed and delivered by various councils throughout Scotland who work alongside local delivery partners. The target is the fuel-poor areas within a council jurisdiction and to provide energy efficiency measures to a large number of Scottish homes while delivering emission savings and a reduction in fuel poverty.
Home Energy Scotland Loan
Not exactly a grant but an interest free loan of up to £38,500 per home is available to owner occupiers. Of this total up to £15,000 is available for a range of energy efficiency improvements which includes double glazing or, as it’s officially listed; Improved Doors and Windows.
Private Rented Sector Landlord Loan
Similar to the above but specifically designed for landlords within the private rental sector
Double Glazing Grants Scotland 2022 – Where To Start
ECO funding is also available in Scotland but, when it comes to double glazing grants Scotland 2022, the best place to start is the Home Energy Scotland website:
The site includes a really nifty grant and funding finder:
Simply enter your postcode and you’ll get a list of exactly what grants are available in your area.
Double Glazing Grants 2022 – Wales
The Welsh Government operates the Warm Homes scheme which is the “umbrella” for two specific schemes called NEST and Arbed both designed (in different ways) to provide grant funding for energy efficiency improvements to low income households and those living in deprived communities throughout Wales.
The Nest scheme is managed on behalf of the Welsh Government by British Gas and their approved subcontractors. It can provide a package of energy efficiency measures in order to reduce home energy bills providing you meet the eligibility criteria:
You must own your own home or rent from a private landlord
Your home is expensive to heat and energy inefficient
You or someone you live with are in receipt of a qualifying means tested benefit from the following:
- Child Tax Credit (income below £16,105 a year)
- Council Tax Reduction (exemption and discount do not qualify on their own)
- Housing Benefit
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income Support
- Pension Credit
- Universal Credit
- Working Tax Credit (income below £16,105 a year)
Alternatively you or someone you live with has a chronic respiratory, circulatory or mental health condition as follows:
- Respiratory disease (respiratory infections, broncho-constriction in asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Circulatory disease (including cardio-vascular disease, strokes and heart attacks)
- Mental health issues (including depression, anxiety, psychosis and bipolar disorders, dementia, intellectual and development disorders).
Your income falls below defined thresholds
Meet the criteria and your home will be assessed for a package of energy efficiency improvements at zero cost to you. This can include a double glazing grant which covers the full cost … should the survey specify it.
The Arbed scheme funds energy efficiency improvements in specific and targeted areas – mainly economically deprived communities throughout the whole of Wales.
Should you live in one of these areas your local authority will contact you – you need not apply for this grant scheme. It includes multiple measures … including double glazing window upgrades.
For more information visit:
Home Improvement Loan.
By no means are we suggesting this is a double glazing grant in Wales but for those who find themselves needing essential repairs but are unable to pay you can apply for this interest free loan through your local authority subject to meeting the criteria which varies by local authority. You can apply for up to £35,000 but, although it’s interest free, there is an administration fee of 15%.
To find out more and apply, contact your local authority or visit:
Double Glazing Grants Wales 2022 – Where To Start
Don’t forget, when it comes to double glazing grants in Wales 2022, apart from the specific options detailed above ECO funding is also available.
As a starting point we suggest the following websites:
Double Glazing Grants 2022 – Northern Ireland
The Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Program (NISEP) is the energy efficiency initiative which aims to address the effects of fuel poverty and energy inefficiency in Northern Ireland.
There are various individual schemes within the overall program but, at the time of writing, none appear to offer any form of double glazing grants or financial support towards the cost of windows upgrade:
The Affordable Warmth Scheme
This scheme is designed specifically for low-income households and operates a targeted approach whereby it prioritises areas where levels of fuel poverty are at the highest.
To qualify you must:
- Be a resident of Northern Ireland
- Own and occupy your property as your main home or rent from a private landlord
- Not be social housing tenant
- Have a total gross income of less than £23,000 pa
In addition, your property must not be a holiday home, bed and breakfast or operate as any form of commercial establishment.
The scheme is designed to provide grant assistance to upgrade and improve most forms of energy efficiency measures in your home. It’s delivered via your local Council.
Double glazing grants are included within the scope of works – they fall into two categories of measures:
Priority 1: Insulation / Ventilation / Draught-proofing – draught proofing doors and/or windows
Priority 3: Windows – replace single glazed windows
Double Glazing Grants Northern Ireland 2022 – Where To Start
With ECO funding not being available in Northern Ireland there are limited options for double glazing grants in 2022. As a starting point we recommend you check out the following websites:
Double Glazing Grants – A Light On The Horizon???
As you’ll see from the above, most of the focus of energy efficiency and double glazing grants is centred around fuel poverty (and rightly so). However, if the gossip within the industry and Westminster is to be believed, it looks like a wider scheme is being considered. And this will potentially target the refurbishment of all properties. This would include the “able to pay” and privately owned market. It’s likely any scheme would be run under the current ECO scheme administrative framework as it’s known to work and would speed up the delivery. Very early days but this concept does appear to be gaining momentum. We are watching developments closely.
All we know so far is that a scheme is definately being considered which will provide energy efficiency grant funding for the low-mid earning owner-occupiers. Will this include double glazing grants? We expect so (at least to some degree. But let’s hope that it includes upgrades from old double glazing to new, modern and effcient systems too.
Could it be that good news is coming shortly? Fingers crossed!
UK Double Glazing Grants 2022 In Summary
So, what have we learnt about UK double glazing grants 2022? We know that the outlook is not great if you’re just looking to upgrade your windows. This is because the current grant funding is very much aimed towards a whole house approach to optimise the energy efficiency measures taken to make your home more efficient and to lower the carbon footprint. The focus is also on hard to treat homes and those in fuel poverty (and rightly so one could say).
That said, if you’re looking at the whole fabric of your property then there could be improvement grants available which may save you a good deal of money … but not necessarily on double glazing.
The onus is therefore very much on the UK double glazing industry to stimulate the market. So, double glazing grants or not, we can expect some good offers and competitive finance packages coming through so shop around and bag a great deal.
As ever, we’ll keep you updated should anything change in relation to double glazing grants as we go through 2022.